CIS 4952/4962/4972/4082

Ethics Presentation

Winter 2022


You will be required to make an oral presentation of one of the papers selected from the assigned text book - Cyberethics: Morality and Law in Cyberspace, 6th Edition, R. Spinello, Jones & Bartlett, 2017. Topic signup will be done using the Google sheet link above.


Oral project presentations (powerpoint or equivalent) will need to be 15 minutes in length. You must upload them to Canvas no later than 24 hours before your scheduled presentation date. You are expected to make appropriate use of AV materials (posters, demonstration, power point, transparencies, handouts, etc.) Your presentation should be an analysis of the reading, not a summary of the chapter. You are expected to do additional research to support the paper content. You must include a discussion on the local and global implications of your topic.


You are required to write critiques using Canvas rubrics for five presentations assigned to you by the instructor. You will not have access to the presentations until the author and you both upload presentations or place holder documents to Canvas. All peer reviews are to be completed no later than April 10th.


Assigned: 1/09/23
Date due: 4/10/23